Out of the 4257 posts across 16 sources in the 25 years since March 2000, these 6 posts were published on some.mediocre.work.

We Have Descended From Pure Air

And then David Lynch, just before the halfway point of the 18-part Twin Peaks: The Return, but not for a full fifteen minutes into Part 8, suddenly gives us the origin story, the most mysterious thing about which being that he imbued it with an actual penetrability.

The Dream Of The 90s Is Alive In Twin Peaks

Note: What follows was written in August 1993 as the introduction to a long and rambling collection of thoughts, theories, and symbologies which in November 1993 became my first contribution to the Internet when I uploaded it to the Twin Peaks archive, then residing on an FTP server in Australia.

The End Of Serialized Fiction

For some reason I decided to run a Twitter search to see how often Dan Slott, the writer of the previously-mentioned Amazing Spider-Man #700 and vocal defender of Secret Empire, has told readers with comments, complaints, or questions about a story in progress to “wait and see” how it ends. I had to limit myself just to the ones from this week.

Serialized Storytelling And The Moral Conversation

I am mostly out of the comics-reading world these days, but a fair bit of my Twitter feed remains comics folks specifically or pop culture folk more generally. Lately, I’ve been watching the resurgent controversy that is Nick Spencer’s ongoing Secret Empire story for Marvel about Captain America’s true nature as a fascist.