The Best Of My Blog In 2024

As I noted back in October, “there are exactly two days every year that like clockwork make me feel the weight of living”: my birthday, and New Year’s Day. For the past two years, at the end of this annual hellscape, I’ve published a sort of round-up offering my picks for what I find to be my best blog posts of the year ending. It’s a way of declaring both I Was Here and I Did This as I prepare to face down another 1st of January thinking, “Here we go again.”

In 2022, I’d written 73 posts and singled out ten. In 2023, I’d written 323 posts and singled out a top two followed by another twenty-five. Here, then, of the 96 posts in 2024 are the twenty I feel are worth a year-ending shoutout, starting with my top two picks.

The top two

The other eighteen

It’s a lot, singling out twenty posts from a population of just ninety-six. I struggled with this cull, and struggled with the idea that it should be followed by a second. It seems too high a proportion.

In the end, though, this is my blog.

In the end, too, this became a year in which the deep, existential despair of its final months seemed especially acute, and especially of note, in a way that (Franny Glass notwithstanding) makes acute as well my need to declare that I Was Here and I Did This before we all go to bed tonight just to get up again tomorrow to repeat the entire frustrating exercise.