My Best Blog Posts Of 2023

This time last December, I wrote up my picks for my top ten blog posts here for the year ending. I’d written 75 posts that year. I’ve written 322 this year—more than I can process into another “top ten”. However, I did some browsing and have come up with what I consider my two best posts of 2023, followed by another twenty-five favorites in chronological order.

The top two

  • “What Is It Like To Be A Goat?”—My paean to the first of The Belmont Goats to die, just barely into the second month of the herd’s tenth anniversary, this is one of the best things I’ve written ever.

  • “The Australian Teen Drama That Saw Me”—On the recommendation of a podcast by and for autistics, I watched a series for which I’m definitely not the target market, and found myself in it.

The other twenty-five

As suggested above, I’ve two times each year I know in advance simply are doing to be “down” times: my birthday in October, when I started yer another exhausting trip around the sun, and New Year’s Day, the artificial line that for me always denotes having to brace for impact, because things always can get worse.

Much like last year, then, these two lists mainly serve as a kind of “I was here” and “I did this” and is as much a reminder to myself as to anyone else. However difficult things are, and threaten to continue to be, I existed in the world and I wrote my way through doing so. That’s the plan in front of me, too.

Finally, rather than wait until tomorrow to throw the switch on turn on comments, pings, and webmentions, as of this post that switch is thrown. As always, I reserve the right to reverse this decision at any given moment.

You can see the rules. They are the same ones I’ve used for years because of this: No fear, no hate, no thoughtless bullshit, and no nazis.

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