Two Decades And Change
Lots of bloggers seem to be celebrating anniversaries lately, and as But She’s A Girl hits her twentieth she did some analysis of posts over that time, and it’d be interesting to run such a thing once I’ve completed my blog restoration project.
When I started this blog 20 years ago, I had no real plan in mind. I still don’t. I write about what interests me and makes me happy, and that is the only theme that runs through it. People still seem to find it and discover interesting things to read, but to be honest, I would probably still write if no-one was reading, just to amuse myself.
I’ve said much the same as that last, in the past as well as more than once just in recent months, and having no plan in mind and writing about what interests me would explain why over the course of two decades I’ve had way too many sites and never “settled down” to blog in just one place.
I’ve still been unable to piece together any blogging prior to manual updates in March 2000. If that indeed was my beginning, then I’d be coming up on what’s technically my twenty-third anniversary in about three weeks, although unlike so many others lately I can’t make a claim to continuous blogging.
For what it’s worth, on the subject of anniversaries, I post this on the twenty-sixth anniversary of moving to Portland, where five years later I began the blog for which I’m most known—the lauded Portland Communique—which I still hope someday to put back online.