My Annoying Weblog Comments Use Case

It’s not bad enough that I want internal-only webmentions so I can automatically build a web of self-references—one that’s useful rather than garbage SEO-bait linkback bullshit. Now I also want a plugin that effectively creates a riff on, wherein I’d use the native WordPress comments functionality to take comments, but rather than publishing them there’d be a workflow by which I could respond to any given comment by making a new blog post. Think of it more like a letter-to-the-editor function built atop the comments function.

What’s more, had I both these features, if someone submitted a comment-letter on one of my reply-to-comment posts, when I replied to that in a new post that new post would reference-link the previous one, creating a bidirectional chain of letters and responses.

This is the problem with my return not just to blogging but to blogging via WordPress: I’m back on my horse of seeing all sorts of features—some of which (e.g. my original unsupported use case) I originally thought about a decade or more ago—that seem like no-brainers to me but that don’t seem to exist.

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