These Go To Eleventy

And with that, the blog is relaunched on 11ty, deployed to Netlify, and redesigned via Nyssa. Internal backlinks at long last have returned thanks to Andrew Ward, but search hasn’t yet as I’m still trying to understand PageFind, and there’s no dark mode because I’m still getting around to that.

(Inexplicably, a couple of searches in various places on the web yielded no other use of this post title, which surely cannot be correct.)

You should fully expect some hiccups or snags to crop up as I continue to get my bearings, and at any given moment the site could go down in a transition between providers or deployment methods. As ever, it is what it is.

Currently I’m manually deploying via upload of my _site folder to Netlify Drop, which isn’t the speediest method but for the life of me deploying to Netlify (or wherever) via GitHub repository makes me wince at the prospect of the arcane extra steps. I understand the benefits of having a remote, intermediary copy of everything, but zipping a folder and dragging it to my browser feels like nothing, save for the upload wait, and my life sort of centers around eliminating extraneous little things that add up to a sort of death by a thousand cuts.

There will continue to be no comments, and no webmentions or other pings. There’s no way to “like” anything. It’s used very rarely by people, but the best way to comment or reply or even just (sure, why not) “like” something is to shoot me an email—there’s always a link at the bottom of each and every post.

As for the blog restoration project itself, that essentially remains stalled except for the work I’m finally doing to get several dozen photo posts up, which when completed will mean I’ve actually, rather than mostly, gotten everything from 2018 to present—what I consider my modern blogging era since it began with me finally working through my autism diagnosis in public—back online.


  1. It was dysregulating and headache-inducing for over an hour while I tried to debug some nonsense, but I’m now deploying the site to Netlify via GitHub. I also fixed a broken redirect so that people subscribed to the RSS feed at /feed/ should be getting correctly redirected to /rss.xml which is where the actual file lives now, because I couldn’t get just using the former to work. There was a brief attempt at dark mode but that, too, was frustrating so I’m leaving that alone for now.