From Blogosphere To Manosphere?
As I was catching up on some reading while being subjected to yet another bout of morning insomnia after feeding the cat at eight o’clock, I caught Dave’s list of Democratic mistakes. Take a hard look at what he deems their fourth such.
Men’s votes need to be sought and welcomed, specifically. So much has been done to alienate male voters, which is why so many voted for Trump. We could have had a bunch of them this year, if we had only spoken to them with respect.
I’d made note of this on social because it seems like something of a red flag, but then mostly moved on. That is, until I resumed going through my RSS reader to find bloggers to follow on Mastodon and in the process discovered this post syndicated from Dave’s linkblog.
If Trump has any positive quality, it’s that he doesn’t apologize for being a man.
It’s a link to a tweet by Claire Lehmann, the founding editor of Quillette (an outlet which once featured Andy Ngo, who once falsely claimed to be hit in the face with a milkshake made of cement thrown by antifa), itself a repost of an article she wrote for The Weekend Australian. (Or maybe for Quillette since it also appears there, but I won't link them.)
That article includes paragraphs like this one:
If we take a macro perspective, we see that such young men have never known a culture in which males are not routinely described as “problematic,” “toxic,” or “oppressive”. Going to university, and working at modern companies, they live in a world of Diversity Equity and Inclusion policies-many of which promote an insidious and pervasive form of anti-male discrimination. Yet to talk about it in public invites social ostracism. To criticise DEI is to risk being called a Nazi.
Unlike most of the items on Dave’s linkblog, that description above about Mine Furor’s “positive quality” isn’t taken from the headline of what he linked.
Dave wrote those words himself.
Then he specifically made sure to reblog his linkblog’s Mastodon post from his own, personal Mastodon account.
It’s true that Dave planned on voting for Biden, and it’s true voted for Harris (let’s just take him at his word on that). Nonetheless, at a moment when conservative Democrats are making anti-trans noises, now is hardly the time for anyone to go “Not all men!” just because men on the right think that any discussion of male privilege or toxic masculinity somehow is a threat to… well, to all men.
is an open manhole into the sewer of the manosphere, but then again Dave once said Mine Furor “ran on a pretty far-left plan” and once defended both Shane Gillis and Richard Stallman, so maybe Dave’s been circling that manhole for awhile.
Lehmann’s article is available in full, um, elsewhere, and so having read the entire thing, I think it’s important here to note how it ends:
It was a victory for a way of seeing the world that many thought dead: one where individual achievement matters, where male ambition serves a purpose, and where great men still shape the course of history.
Now it all makes sense.
The original version of this post called Dave out in the title, which in retrospect was unnecessary so that’s been removed.