Back On Hiatus Due To Technical Clusterfuck Beyond My Control, And I’m Just So Fucking Tired Of Everything

Well, I am going back to not blogging for a bit, and stopping all work on the restoration project, because after conforming hundreds and hundreds of internal links to the new (and hopefully forever) permalinks format, it turns out that Weblog.LOL’s handling of dates is fucked up, and even if it got solved despite the service being frozen because everything will be switching to Neato instead, it would be a logistical nightmare to try to determine which of the hundreds and hundreds of internal links I’ve conformed to the new (and hopefully forever) permalinks format in fact are technically incorrect because I’ve been pulling them from the live posts on the published blog, where it turns out they might be wrong. (What’s happening? All timestamps in front matter are being treated as UTC despite being correct for my timezone as set in configuration. So when the system generates permalinks and post dates, some unknown number of which therefore are using the day prior to when the post actually was published.) In theory, were it fixed, I could find some sort of command-line link checker and compile a list of all the posts using the incorrect permalinks, but in practice there’s literally nothing I can do, and no reason to continue conforming links when I’ve no obvious way of telling which ones are completely fucking wrong in the meantime, and there’s no easy way to tell how much time and effort I’ve already wasted, but I’m certainly not going to bother wasting any more of it. I’d say that maybe I just need to move away from trying to use services that are one-person operations, but every time I look at any other blogging options my cognitive capacity decreases and my anxiety response increases, and I say that as someone who used to self-host MoveableType on an OpenBSD box over home DSL. This is on top of the fact that having 4,000 posts here broke tags and tag pages (which are “sources” here), rendering half the site incomplete. All of which is on top of the birthday weekend just passed, which par for the course was an existential nightmare of feeling like I’m in an inescapable hole, and I’m a little bit tired of the fact that I keep trying (this isn’t just about blogging) only to be smacked back down.


  1. Oh, no. It’s actually much, much weirder. My birthday post, for example, was published just after midnight on October 25, and appears on the blog as being published just after midnight on October 25. Somehow, however, an old post from 2019 that was published on December 11 just after midnight appears on the blog as being published on December 10. The same holds true if I manually add a test post with the same timestamp. This makes no literal sense whatsoever. Why would it get it wrong in one case and not the other, and how can I even find the posts the system got wrong if it doesn’t do this every time?

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