I Said, ‘No Comment’

Less than a month after opening up comments and pings here, I’ve turned them all off again. I want to stress that this isn’t because of any particular comment or ping, nor is it about spam management. I’ve entered something of a flail and that usually bodes well—or, I guess, ill— for making a bunch of changes to what I’m doing online.

In addition, as I navigate this flail wherein I’m feeling especially and particularly invisible and useless, I’m going to attempt to stop blogging about blogging. By which I don’t mean site-specific meta like this post but blogging about blogging writ large as a thing. It’s an area where I’m most vulnerable to feeling as if I’m not being paid attention to (this is a known and longstanding psychological hangup of mine), and so the most efficient route to dodging the feeling is to just focus on other topics.

That said, other topics nonetheless will require having any sense of motivation, which at the moment I very much do not because, as I said, flail.

Finally, if you’re reading this on the blog and not in your feed reader, you’ll notice I’ve once again switched themes. What you’re looking at at least as of this post is a rendition of Blogstream which I’ve been hacking away at in Additional CSS for the better part of the day, one in which the morning became the afternoon without me getting out of bed, and it wasn’t until after two that I ate, although I did then manage to get in a full walk for the first time since resuming them after the recent snow and ice storms.

At any rate, comments and pings are disabled for the foreseeable, but there’s a prominent button at the end of each and every post inviting you to reply by email.


  1. If you visit the blog on a mobile device smaller than a tablet, you’ll notice that the navigation header is pretty messed up. I’m hoping that someone in the support forums can help me figure out how to just use the regular navigation menu on mobile.