It’s A WordPress Plugins Meme Post
As you might surmise from my post about blogrolls where I mention not having posted to that “default apps” meme, I don’t really do blog memes. However, after seeing Tracy list her WordPress plugins, following the lead of Nick and of Jan Boddez, and then seeing Alex follow on, I figured I’d go ahead and drop mine here.
In some sense, this list also serves as a sort of supplemental to my list of things I’d need to be able to do in order to move the blog to Kirby, a project which is stalled indefinitely because it’s really beginning to feel like I’d need someone else to figure it all out for me.
- Custom Bulk/Quick Edit (deactivated)
- Disable Gutenberg
- Health Check & Troubleshooting
- Jetpack
- Jetpack Protect
- JSON Feed
- LH Wayback Machine
- Post Meta Data Manager (deactivated)
- UpdraftPlus - Backup/Restore
- Webmention
- WP Super Cache
- WPCode Lite
Those deactivated plugins (I know, I know) are there because occasionally I have need of them, especially back when I was debugging the various implementations of internal backlinks that ChatGPT was giving me. I’ve used Code Snippets before I switched to WPCOde Lite, and I might return to it after I’ve finished making a cleaner copy of my current custom theme, because I find the interface cleaner.
As indicated, I have bunch of custom functions that power various parts of this site, either instead of using a plugin or as a result of there not being a plugin for them because they fall into my usual existence as an unsupported use case. You can get a sense of those from the above-linked Kirby post.