Holey Sheet

Another adventure in midlife adulting. Is it even still midlife when you’re 54? Last year my top sheet tore, almost certainly because my cat claws her way to get under the blanket and eventually weakened it enough so that normal movement ripped it wide open.

Earlier this year, the end of one of my pillows tore open, Almost certainly because I’ve had a lot of flailingly trying to get comfortable in a way that keeps my airway a bit raised but also doesn’t have me hearing me pulse in my ear which keeps my awake.

Last night, the fitted sheet tore, almost certainly for the same reason as the top sheet, and I really don’t have any current solution except to rotate my mattress 180° so the tear is at my feet instead of my face.

One presumes that other people have more than one set of bedding but much as I mostly only have one of everything else because who can afford to have multiples of anything except underwear and socks, I do not have another set of bedding.

Finding a decent set of sheets tends to come with the proviso that I can only afford one of them at a time, because cheap sheets tend to be rougher sheets and that’s a sensory nightmare.

So, here’s hoping that my feet don’t simply tear this hole wider and wider, night after night, after I spin the mattress around.