Sites And Stones

That online restlessness that might not even be rooted in anything online, per earlier, burrowed its way into spurring some more tinkering with the blog theme today. In the end, my changes were not quite as dramatic as they might have been but nonetheless will be noticeable.

After some back and forth, I refrained from combining the front page and the posts page, which would have jettisoned things like my list of blog posts by others I’ve recently read, but I did strip out some extraneous text, increase the white space, and reduce the presence of the blaring site header. I’m eying some other tweaks, such as relocating the .post-meta, but if I try to think about that right now, I’ll just send myself down a rabbit hole of needless stress.

You’re not wrong if you think there’s a degree of Manu inspiration here, and all of this reminds me that I only just recently came across Ethan Marcotte’s post on letting your website be a worry stone.

While things were changing, I kept working. After a few weeks tinkering with this redesign, I realized I wasn’t working on a website, not really: it was a worry stone.

What strikes me here is not just that this very much sometimes can be what site tinkering is about, but also that worry stones make me think of stimming, and it’s extremely common for me after a site launch or redesign for me to just sort of sit and somewhat absently scroll up and down the page, over and over again.