Fuck Curt Schilling And His ‘Christianity’
“We are aware of the statements and inquiries about the health of Tim and Stacy Wakefield”, said the Red Sox organization in a statement. “Unfortunately, this information has been shared publicly without their permission.” The statement was released with the permission of the Wakefields.
What happened?
Curt Schilling went on his podcast and outed their health status. Despite saying the words “it’s not a message that Tim has asked anyone to share and I’m not even sure if he wants it shared”, Schilling shared it anyway, offering a very specific rationalization.
But as a Christian and a man of faith, I have seen prayer work, and so I’m going to talk about it.
Fuck this sort of “ends justify the means” Christianity. This wasn’t about the Wakefields, it was about Curt Schilling. This was about swinging his Big Christian energy even if it hurt someone. This wasn’t about prayer, it was about performative religion.
On his podcast, Schilling made a reference to the “hubris” of living life thinking there always will be more time, but his actions themselves show only the hubris of his own kind of belief, rather than a more appropriate humility.
At one point Schilling refers to the “guilt” he feels, that he says might be “selfish”, that over the years he hasn’t talked to Wakefield much. Nowhere, it seems, does he have the self-awareness to feel guilt over the selfish thing he just did mere seconds earlier.
“A lot of times we have the thoughts we have because we want to make ourselves feel better,” said Schilling.
Yes, Curt. We do. It’s too bad you didn’t notice, or perhaps care, that this literally was what you were doing, and you were doing it out loud, in public, in front of an audience.
Right-wingers like Schilling love to call out what they consider the purely performative nature of the actions of their political opponents. It’s just more projection, their standard operating procedure.
“If they didn’t want this to be public, I sincerely apologize,” said Schilling, “but I do believe that a gigantic, worldwide Red Sox Nation group hug and prayers is warranted for this one.”
Not to belabor the point, but: fuck you, Curt Schilling. I’m part of Red Sox Nation, and this wasn’t your information to share.
Your faith isn’t an excuse to shit on the agency and autonomy of people about whom you claim to care, and any God who would demand this isn’t worth the worship to begin with.
- Three days later: R.I.P. Tim Wakefield. So much for Schilling’s “prayer works” excuse.