One Year Later

Today I got to spend the day running a Reddit AMA and associated social media activity for The Belmont Goats, as part of their 10th anniversary and on the birthday of Bambi and Cooper, two members of the herd.

This gave me something to occupy both my time and, more importantly, my mind, because today also is one year since I failed Willow.

I’m not fishing. I don’t want any arguments here. That post remains as true today as it did then.

Spending the day doing something positive and uplifting (and coincidentally also involving animals) undeniably was a good thing, and it kept everything else at bay for twelve hours. I even managed not to get overly distracted by foolishly activating Timehop today (to use over the course of the goats’ anniversary year) only immediately to be confronted by an entire phone screen of photos from the veterinary hospital.

Now the AMA is ending and the evening is winding down, and today of last year has asserted itself, and that’s just going to be how the rest of the night goes.

I’m sorry, Willow.

I’m still so sorry.

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