One Move Away From Getting Out Of Self-Hosting

Over the past day, I’ve managed to take one blog down altogether and use its domain on Carrd just for a particular piece of fandom writing and then spend hours methodically moving every post of this blog off of WordPress on a DigitalOcean droplet to, of all things, Tumblr. I’ve got some quibbles with their new/beta editor but it’s the only editor where they’ve enabled the ability to block reblogs of your posts, and I just don’t want to have to deal with the potential for reblogs.

This leaves just one more blog I need to get off of the droplet—the Currently blog—if I can just figure out where to put it. So far, Bloggi seems to make the most sense, although it’s literally $3/month more than I’ve been spending for a multi-website droplet. I just can’t, though, anymore do the self-hosting thing. Any decision or direction in these sorts of matters comes with its own set of annoyances, but I’m definitely homing in on a midlife need for things to just work and get out of my way and self-hosting very much is not that.


  1. One thing I am trying to decide on is whether or not to start, probably in July, also posting links to the things I’ve been reading and saving to Pocket, or if that would just become a burden for both me and any reader.

  2. I’ve pulled the Currently blog over to Tumblr, too, and killed the droplet, which frees up $6/month for…whatever.

  3. Part of the idea was to get away from needless, distracting tinkering, but of course I did have to do some CSS edits, mostly to get rid of a bunch of Tumblr-style design cruft, and to fake-fix their new editor’s generation of styled paragraph tags where they should be using blockquote tags. I can’t actually fix this problem, only its presentation. The underlying problem is one they need to fix, as it’s terrible for accessibility and terrible for writers who might have, you know, the need to make multi-paragraph blockquotes.

  4. It turns out the problem on Tumblr isn’t the HTML tags being generated but the terminology of the editor. You’d think that choosing Quote would generate blockquote tags. Instead, you have to choose Indented to generate blockquote tags, which is ridiculous phrasing. Also, using the markdown style > in the Tumblr editor creates a Quote instead of an Indented, which is exasperating because the > is supposed to generate a blockquote.