Nadia Eghbal notes an update to her notes, one of which struck me for two reasons of personal note.

How to virtually simulate a “fidget experience” / walking outside together? Ex. ppl listen to talks better when they have something to fidget with, and similarly going on a walk together gives two ppl something else to passively look at, which makes the conversation richer

Ex. video chat where instead of looking at each other, you’re both looking at a YouTube video on mute while talking (kinda like being in one of those hipstery bars with a movie projected on one wall)

That last bit of the first bit is sort of why I want to find a psychoconsultant who does walk-and-talk therapy, although in that context it’s not so much being richer conversations as being less anxious ones.

That second bit reminds me of something I thought about while watching Comic-Con@Home panels that were conducted via Zoom (or whatever), and I feel like such panels—or even such conversations you’re a part of—might be less stressful-seeming (to me, anyway) if people’s cameras and displays were not conjoined instruments, allowing for a wider variety of angles.