Blair Stenvick, somewhat fresh from recently having been knocked down by Portland police officers, got stuck in a propaganda-viewing spiral and surfaced to drop whatever vestiges of patience might have been left.
Message-wise, this image is important mostly because it establishes a theme that will be returned to several times in the 2:25 runtime of this off-brand Powerpoint presentation. That theme is one of religious righteousness, particularly that of the American Christian variety, which casts PPB officers as the hand-picked warriors of Jesus Christ (a man who was, we should note, killed by cops).
So why can’t I stop watching it? I think the answer might lie in the desperation: Why would a police bureau need to post something so utterly anemic, unless it came from a place of sincere panic over its own future?
Bonus read: Alex Zielinski deconstructs yesterday’s press conference by the police union and at least one controversial ally.