Three stories from Portland protests worth your time. First, the bad news: Jayati Ramakrishnan for The Oregonian reports on the clusterfuck Rose City Justice turned into after leading successful mass demonstrations. Then, the good news: Madison Smalstig for The Oregonian profiles Black photographers telling their own community’s stories; and Tess Novotny for OPB News details the successful efforts of the Portland Stripper Strike—to which I give the last word.
Hollis wants club employees to undergo cultural sensitivity training so they can learn to deescalate racially-based incidents, and recognize how implicit biases may lead them to unintentionally harm BIPOC dancers.
“It’s just setting a really great example that if strippers and managers can get together and put proactive policy in place, why can’t a coffee shop, or a yoga studio, or the Portland Police Department?” Hollis said.