A slight correction to earlier discussion about the “blackface Megyn Kelly” costume story: other people in fact did tell Sue Schafer it was a bad idea, including “the cabdriver who took her to Toles’s house” and “the party’s co-host, Steve Rochlin”. That’s what happens when I write about a story whose entirety I couldn’t read for myself because of the paywall. However, this correction only makes the story worse for Schafer. The incident’s recency when combined with the fact that multiple people had to tell Schafer it was a bad idea and she didn’t get the message until more forcefully confronted by an actual black woman—well, that’s why it was worth reporting on. What people should be asking it why it wasn’t reported on at the time given the proximity to the DC elite. Wait, I just answered my own question. Schafer not only had to think to herself that the costume was a great idea, she had to assume that the people with whom she socializes would as well. Maybe the story Josh Barro and Olivia Nuzzi should be working on is why she might have thought that.