Doom Patrol and I have had a complicated relationship which can be summarized by the contents of two tweets from this time last year, one before and one after I’d started in on season one.

  1. I just saw a clip from Doom Patrol that’s the stupidest thing and now I have zero interest in that DC streaming service.

  2. I’m sorry, Doom Patrol. I dismissed you based on two clips I saw, and I was so, so very wrong. So very wrong.

In the end (and I tweeted this, too), I did think Doom Patrol fell a bit “into a trap of its own making, which was that it’s so wild and insane along the way they felt they had to supersize the wild for the finale episodes, and I think they overdid it, but that’s mostly a quibble given the season as a whole”, but that in some ways was a bit unfair.

Truthfully, with a show as deliberately and delicately crazed as Doom Patrol, I imagine it’s better to err on the side of taking too big a swing than to play it safe and draw a walk.

Point is, I’ve started in on season two—DC Universe dropped the first three episodes all today—and it’s still absurdly great, the batshittiest series about trauma you’ll ever watch, and easily one of the best superhero shows ever made.

Doom Patrol Go!