There’s a Nazi problem in My Little Pony fandom and Kaitlyn Tiffany shows that it’s a microcosm both of the challenges of community management and of White (and primarily male) ignorance that our choices are not apolitical just because we assume for ourselves the status of the default.
When Acesential posted a drawing of a pony holding an “I Can’t Breathe” flag, and when Henry posted art containing the initialism “ACAB,” for “All Cops Are Bastards,” commenters spat back that ponies shouldn’t be used as a “mouthpiece” for politics, even though some of those same commenters have loved it when ponies wear “Make America Great Again” hats. This idea of what counts as political and what doesn’t is another thing the fandom took from 4chan—where racial slurs are just jokes but anti-racism makes you a “social justice warrior.”