Colin Walker nods at Julian Summerhayes lamenting the loss of “the silence of early lockdown”, although they appear to be coming at it for different reasons. Walker in effect is grimacing at how quickly people seem to have glommed on to behaving as if the pandemic is over; I’m seeing this a lot in my neighborhood at the local Safeway where the ranks of the maskless have been growing for the past week despite our zip code consistently having COVID issues (see also: Oregon’s epidemiologist is getting nervous). Summerhayes, on the other hand (who has a site design so crisp and clean I had to double-take that it really is LiveJournal), is coming at it from a more philosphic or even asocial place; his “soul is not equipped to withstand the tyranny of another onslaught of noise, pollution and doing”—something which in my autistic sensory sensitivities I appreciate, as I’ve been trapped at home, normally quite the tranquil respite, while raucous housing construction ratchets and clangs next door.