Lady Antebellum changing their name to Lady A after suddenly realizing “antebellum” is problematic is a story that at first glance I guffawed over, primarily because I couldn’t figure out how anyone could not know the connotations of the word. Reading the story itself, though, it struck me that’s pretty much the point about the south: this language is just sort of there, like oxygen in the air, going essentially unnoticed by those who don’t have a personal reason to notice it. Honestly, their statement is more unabashedly and actually apologetic than most of these sorts of things. I still don’t know who they are and I’m not suddenly in a rush to go find out, and it’s not a thing to dwell on because they aren’t the story right now, but, would that we had more cultural and political figures willing to be this blunt about their own dead angles when it comes to race and privilege.