If replies coming into a post on my blog from Micro.blog were being seen by WordPress as the “webmention” Comment-Type and not the “comment” Comment-Type, I’d be willing to approve the first one but deny the rest of them, because that first one would lead to a page on Micro.blog containing all of them, but it wouldn’t clutter the post’s Mentions section with overkill. Alas, they come in as “comment”; I have to just trash them and not display any link to the discussion at all. This is not specifically a complaint about Micro.blog, it’s just the only place where these sorts of webmentions come from so it’s the example at hand.
To clarify: were I to approve them, because they are of Comment-Type “comment” they’d create an Addenda section on the post like this one, and appear as if it’s a post update from me, rather than appearing in a Mentions section below.
Here’s a good example. Basically, I do not wish to use webmentions as comments; I just want to use webmentions to generate a list of other people’s posts which reference one of my posts—but Chris’ reply comes into WordPress as Comment-type “comment”, meaning for my purposes (yes, yet another unsupported use case) I can’t approve it.