Well, blog posts now should include any links to later posts which reference them, except that there seem to be some gaping holes where the self-pings did not send when I bulk updated old posts. Something around 75 self-pings did send, but others most certainly did not. I’m not sure if they got throttled by the sheer system load, or blocked as an attack, or what. I’m not sure how to get that solved, exactly, but at least it should be working from here on out for any future posts referencing past posts.
Although now I’m unsure on that last part, as I went into a recent post that didn’t seem to send a self-ping to an older post during the bulk updating and it still did not send a ping to that older post. I’m not sure what’s happening here.
I feel like there ought to be a simpler solution here, like a plugin that searches your posts for links to other local posts and directly injects a ping into the database.
This has been disabled, as I made a change that broke it, then undid the change, and somehow it remained broken and WordPress would error out.