Link Log Roundup for May 17, 2020

In this edition: Obama and leadership, Oregon aid money debate, early-opening drive-ins, and the context of history.

Your daily look at links I’ve saved to my Link Log (RSS) over the course of each day but didn’t necessarily address or highlight here on the blog. These are the links I logged yesterday, and not necessarily links to things published yesterday.

Obama: Pandemic has exposed lack of leadership

What he’s saying: In his evening commencement speech to graduating high school students, Obama said: “Doing what feels good, what’s convenient, what’s easy, that’s how little kids think. Unfortunately a lot of so-called grownups, including some with fancy titles, important jobs, still think that way, which is why things are so screwed up.”

Oregon Lawmakers Bitterly Debate Who Should Receive Aid Money After Two Months of Shutdown

Disagreement today centered on a philosophical quandary: Should COVID relief money be directed toward the counties hit hardest by the virus, or distributed equally among all the places that paused economic activity during the lockdown?

Newberg’s Drive-In Movie Theater Could Reopen Next Week Amid a Surge of Interest

The Times interviewed 99W owner Brian Francis for the article, who told the publication that during one week in late March he received 30 messages from customers asking him to open early: “Folks are thinking that the drive-in is the original social distance way to see a movie, and this is some kind of golden opportunity for the vanishing drive-ins to shine.”

Committed to memory

For the last several months, Crosscut’s resident historian Knute Berger has been shining new light on the 1918 flu’s devastating impact on our region. Today, associate opinion editor Mason Bryan tells us how Knute’s series brings context to the fears we’re grappling with today.