I’m getting exhausted by people mistaking asociality for introversion. Introversion just means that socializing enervates where for extroverts it energizes. You can have social introverts and asocial introverts (or even antisocial ones), but you can’t just write a sentence like this one Shayla Love wrote for Vice.

And by using social media, introverts are fostering a new, more fluid and nuanced sense of what it means to be introverted—by doing the very thing that introverts claim they don’t like: socializing.


  1. For the record? I’m an introvert, although it’s anyone’s guess how much of my energy state issues with it comes to sociality has been introversion and how much has been the undiagnosed autism. As for sociality itself, I’ve been social and I’ve been asocial; I’ve not often been outright antisocial.