I’m going to need to get back to reading comics, or at least those I can borrow from the library via Hoopla and read on the Fire HD. Since I no longer use my Paperwhite for ebooks (having switched to Kobo for that), I’ve had Amazon move my “without special offers” upgrade from the Paperwhite to the Fire, so that I don’t have to deal with ads on the device if I’m going to be using it more often as I start going through my comics backlog. I still wish there were a decent comics-tracking app; I don’t want to mix my comics into my ebooks by using Goodreads. I can never quite remember where I left off, and Hoopla never seems to quite fully record my history. It was suggested to me that I use Hoopla favorites to mark where I’ve left off on something, and that seems like maybe a viable workaround.
I’ve only just realized that on Hoopla you can favorite both series and individual books, so now I understand how the above suggestion works. I can keep a list of all the series I’m reading and a separate list of the last issue or trade in that series that I read.
There remain two series I’m going at some point to have to buy on comiXology in order to finish, because they are not on Hoopla: Strangers in Paradise XXV and Five Years. I’ve still got to read the final volume of the former and then start in on the latter.