Some initial thoughts about testing out the Kobo Clara HD. It’s noticably smaller and lighter than the Paperwhite, although the actual screen size is the same. The narrower bezels don’t seem to be an issue for holding the device, in part because of its lighter weight. Sideloading the Kindle books I converted to kepub
format worked, as did adding the Bookerly font I read in on the Paperwhite. Unlike the Paperwhite, Kobo had one aesthetic feature I’ve always wanted: the cover of your current read is the sleep screen. The built-in OverDrive seems pretty flawless; as soon as I logged into my OverDrive account, my current library borrows came down. Actual usage, obviously, I’ll see over the weekend. I did buy for both devices one cheap book that I want to read, so I’ll be able to do kind of a direct comparison.