It’s a long way off in the scheme of things, if only because I still don’t know what the Disability Determination Services consultive exam indicated to result in my being deemed not disabled for Social Security purposes (all the proper channels for requesting my own records so far have been radio silent), but finally tonight I sat down and did something I’ve been meaning to do since that particularly-maddening ordeal began.

To wit: I compiled a comprehensive list of of the hows and whys my then-undiagnosed autism (and comorbidities) explains each faulty step in my decades-long but scattered and unremarkable job history.

The idea, really, is that if at some point I can get past the Disability Determination stage at all, securing SSI, I then can also make a case for SSDI based upon nearly my entire job history consisting of what they call Unsuccessful Work Attempts—which cannot be held against you when applying for SSDI based on a parent’s work credits rather than your own.

(The briefest of backgrounders: Social Security already has indicated to me that I’d never get SSDI based upon my own work credits because I didn’t work enough, but also can’t get instead SSDI based upon a parent’s work credits because I worked too much. If I can demonstrate that nearly my entire job history should be discounted as UWAs, the latter path to SSDI opens up.)

It just gets filed away, for now. Until and unless I get access to my own medical records from the Oregon Department of Human Services and the Oregon Health Authority—just this week I filed a complaint with the ombudsman at DHS—there’s nothing I can actually do with this list.