For whom do you blog, and how? Derek Sivers has decided only to blog when he thinks it’s worth a reader’s time, in part because “[c]oming up with a daily post was becoming a full-time job”. Dino Bansigan, meanwhile, is unlisting his blog from the public feed on to see if his readership drops, and if he will care if it does.
Obviously, anyone actually reading me knows I don’t think about your time very much, and I certainly don’t have any trouble posting every hour day. Mostly I blog for myself, and recently I removed Statcounter and W3Counter code so I stopped letting myself get trapped into thinking about readership at all.
It sounds counterintuitive and maybe it is, but I really need my blog to be a place where readership is an afterthought. With all this talk about blogging being about “thinking out loud”—and what’s more, thinking out loud in your own space which other people are free to ignore—I just can’t think much about, well, you.
That said, since coming to, I do a bit think about post length, and although I make it up as I go, without any hard or fast rules, I do sometimes edit short posts to just go ahead and fit within the 280-character limit for appearing in full in the social feed.