There’s some money to spend for the 50th annual Bix Day, so I need to grab some books. The Future of Another Timeline, finally, is a given from the fiction picks, but which nonfiction book should I grab from my Kindle wishlist?
I opted to get Building and Dwelling: Ethics for the City by Richard Sennett, and in the process got a $2 credit toward my next nonfiction buy, so I might have to grab something else, too.
Uh-oh. I also received an offer of $30 credit toward ebook purchases if I spend $45 on ebooks between now and October 29, and today’s purchases already put me almost halfway there. I guess maybe a bunch of this Bix Day money goes to stocking up on books from the wishlist.
So far, I’ve picked up Gods of the Upper Air: How a Circle of Renegade Anthropologists Reinvented Race, Sex, and Gender in the Twentieth Century by Charles King, Supernova Era by Liu Cixin (and unfortunately translated by the humdrum translator of Liu’s The Dark Forest), and The Rosewater Redemption by Tade Thompson.
There’s room in my $30 credit for one more book, and then the Gods purchase somehow earned me another $3.75 in nonfiction credit.