Zombieland: Double Tap drops this weekend, and I honestly and sincerely hope it apes the terrific original and not Amazon’s objectively terrible television pilot from six years ago. At the time, I’d described it as “akin to watching the cast of Seinfeld trying to navigate the zombie apocalypse”, in that nearly all of the humor came nihilistically and needlessly at the expense of other survivors. Truly an ugly and artless piece of work, Rhett Reese whined afterwards that we’d “successfully hated it out of existence”. I’d argue instead that the writers somehow managed to do that themselves by producing something that simply wasn’t Zombieland. Something that in many ways appeared to hate Zombieland. (This is all the more peculiar given that apparently they’d originally conceived the idea as a TV series, then instead made a movie, and then tried to go back to make a TV series after all. Was the original series pitch as horrendous as the post-movie pilot they’d eventually go on to produce?) What I’ll need is at least one review which compares and contrasts Double Tap to the pilot. If it carries the spirit of the former, I’m in; if of the latter, it will be my Zombieland kill of the week.

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