So I don’t actually believe any of the woo-woo rhetoric about trying to bend reality or whatever it is the randonauts of the Fatum Project think they are doing, but on a lark and for a laugh today I messaged their Telegram bot and made my way to an attractor about a mile away from my apartment.
Despite spending fifteen minutes browsing the full fifty-three-meter radius from the designated coordinates between a bike lane and vehicular traffic, nothing struck me.
The plan had been to keep calling up attractors and see what happened, but my sensory sensitivities to the bright light and the heat of the sun forced me to call it quits. That’s when, on the way home, I found that damned infant’s chair straight out of the Black Lodge, maybe all of a block and a half from my front door.
So help me if any randonauts out there show up with their own stories claiming to have run into this chair.