Time for a bit of housekeeping. This blog has moved over to Write.as proper, as the Write House instance is not moving forward. Whether this is because the timing isn’t right for me, or because I’m no longer capable of projects meant to serve other people, only time will tell.

This morning came word that I will be able to get the domain I want from Knock Knock WHOIS There (the folks who run the .blog TLD), but it will be a a week or two, I think, before that happens.

During the move over here, I tweaked my custom CSS some more, and much of the hyperlink scheme and some of the layout is borrowed from the “Marfa” theme for the excellent Micro.blog platform. I’m considering further adjustments, mostly along the lines of making post pages at least a bit more similar to my index page, but that’s a more intensive project and I might wait a bit on that.

(Micro.blog, by the way, is worth also checking out if you still are shopping around for an IndieWeb blogging platform.)