Arielle Pardes of Wired has been live-tweeting something of an epic, wide-ranging conversation about the future of Twitter and there’s a lot in there that needs to be taken apart and parsed but I wanted to focus on one item in particular.

There’s also a new experiment on Twitter in Canada called “author moderated replies,” where you (as the original tweeter) can take replies out of a conversation entirely.

Not only should this feature immediately be enabled for all Twitter users, it needs to include some the ability to set filters much like the six mutes you can set for your own notifications for things like people who you don’t follow, or people who haven’t confirmed their email address. Some way for users to set defaults for replies to their tweets, and then forget about them until and unless they’d like to change those defaults.

I raised this in the thread and David Gasca, product manager at Twitter, said that the author-moderated replies feature itself should roll out “hopefully soon”, but there doesn’t currently seem to be plans for users being able to set some defaults for author moderation, which seems like the logical and necessary next step here.

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