“I get a decent number of readers but not enough for me to feel a burden changing the site name and URL,” blogs Tiffany White. “Like the byline says: this is my little space on the internet, and I quite like it like that.”

“I think that if you feel like the name is blocking you from expressing yourself completely,” blogs Jeff Perry, “then change it to something else.”

“This is a blog for sharing a few things that interest me, nothing more or nothing less,” blogs Andy Nicolaides. “I need to start posting and stop being concerned about what I post about.”

All of these remarks spring from Nicolaides getting a new domain and renaming his blog. Mostly the string of comments (I’ve included them here in reverse chronological order, much like blogs themselves) struck me because I’ve been rethinking what I’m doing here.

I’m not so much sure, anymore, that I should be working toward running an invite-only community of blogs, which is what Write House was meant to become once the coders of the underlying WriteFreely platform had advanced the feature set sufficiently for me to start inviting people to participate.

Partly, I question whether I’m the person to do this, and, partly, I’m beginning to question my own psychic wherewithal. Possibly, I should focusing on myself and not on facilitating something larger, something more. Maybe it’s embracing selfishness rather than expecting that people would want to be here on Write House just because it’s me putting it together, which itself is selfishness but of the wrong kind.

And so I’ve been spending some time lately wondering about domain names and site names, and wondering what I would call this blog were I to shut down the WriteFreely hosting for Write House and simply move myself over to Write.as itself.

I do have one domain I’m thinking of using if I make the switch and wind down this project, but I admit I also had my eye on another one that, for some reason, appears to be “reserved” by the originating registry for reasons which I can’t even guess.

Anyway, I guess the point is that everything is up in the air again. I’m not sure what I want to be doing, what I should be doing, or what I’m capable of doing.

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