Has anyone considered the possibility that Joe Biden is so very fond of rail travel because he’s mentally unfit to operate the dangerous, two-ton battering ram that is a motor vehicle?
In just one week, he’s said that “poor kids are just as bright and just as talented as white kids”, that Democrats “believe in truth not facts”, that Theresa May’s name was “Margaret Thatcher”, and that “those kids in Parkland came up to see me when I was vice president”.
Twitter is awash with pundits lecturing other people not to make a deal out of this, that we should be worried about Trump, but that’s facile nonsense. There needs to be a more compelling argument for ignoring Biden’s problem than simply the fact that he’s merely somehow enfeebled but not an outright threat to the republic.
Barack Obama owes us absolutely nothing at this point, but I do wish he’d give Biden a call. I’m fairly certain he’s the only person alive who could convince Biden that it’s time to drop out of the race while he’s still got some dignity attached to him.