“Well then, my final ‘reason’ for not supporting social justice is a really simple one,” admits Nils Grønkjær, “and that is I think that suffering is actually a somewhat healthy and fundamental part of being a living being.” This after earlier in the post admitting “the concept of social justice has no personal appeal to me” because “I want for almost nothing in life. I’m not lonely, I’m not poor and most of all I’m not bored with my life.”

And that’s all you really need to know about how such people view the humanity around them.

Grønkjær disdains “social justice” (really, collective action) because when you get large enough to be a “mob” there’s no way the group can represent the true range of feelings of every person involved. This is the attitude of a child. Grønkjær likely would get along with the one who hates fairness because we aren’t omnipotent enough to achieve it.

Just as “democracy is the worst form of Government except for all those other forms that have been tried”, so, too, collective action for social justice is not perfect; it’s just better than everyone being out for themselves because something-something “mob identity” something-something “compromising situation”.

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