“So we have to ask ourselves how to remember what we read here on the web,” writes CJ Eller, “how to retain what is beneficial and use it in our study and in our lives.”
I wonder if we even realize what we are missing out on. The only thing that gets measured is how much new content gets published on the web every day. But do we know how much of that potential energy is wasted on taxed minds who will forget what they read moments after?
How to remember? We blog about it. Or, that’s what we used to do. The problem for me, though, is that I’ve had so many different lives as a blogger, in many different eras of the internet, and mostly each of those blogs vanishes down the memory hole because I can’t afford to keep each and every old domain online. I used to have a sort of private archive on WordPress, combining several different dormant blogs, but even that’s gone now. What will happen this time around? I’ve no guess better than anyone else’s.