I don’t know which office or department has been leaving voicemails last night and today, but even on a good autistic-brain-day, it takes me awhile to get to voicemails I don’t know what they are about ahead of time, and the entire past week (up to and including Thursday’s “oh, nope, sorry you don’t have a proper recovery helper set up” debacle) has been too much mental stress and strain as it is.
If these voicemails are from your office, please just reply with even a one-word subject line for what I’m going to be listening to, so my brain is prepared in advance,
The short version: when the perioperative department did not get back to me like they said they would to tell me whether or not my existing plan for post-op assistance was going to be sufficient given that it conflicted with requirements they had not actually ever given me until that morning, I told them to cancel my surgery. We will have to reschedule.
In the meantime, this morning the results of the latest blood work I was asked to do before surgery have come back: “Your labs show elevated decreased kidney function.”
For those keeping score this makes autism spectrum disorder, gastroesophageal reflux disease, hematuria, fatty liver disease, splenomegaly, gallbladder polyps, liver cyst, bladder calculi, diverticulitis, “probable posterior left lateral primary bladder transitional cell carcinoma malignancy”, “bilateral iliac chain, pelvic sidewall, and inguinal lymphadenopathy”, and now “decreased kidney function”.
Flap, flap, flap.