Kaiser Pemanente waited until one week out from my bladder surgery and biopsies to tell me that whoever I arrange to bring me in the morning needs to stay there all day and be the one who takes me back home in the afternoon, thereby scuttling the current lead options for my transportation and babysitting needs that day. Now I have seven days to find a solution that doesn’t involve mental and emotional stresses that I simply cannot manage on top of the physical and psychological ones of, you know, the surgery and recovery themselves.
- Because surgery planning isn’t stressful enough, this has changed again. The person with whom I had my scheduled pre-op telephone appointment had never heard of this policy, and called me back to say they’d checked with Ambulatory Surgery and this policy does not exist. I can have one person drop me off and another person pick me up, and they don’t even appear to need to be onsite, just reachable.