It’s all well and good, and necessary, that the Congressional Hispanic Caucus went on a barnstorming tour of some of America’s concentration camps, but combine what the delegation found even with authorities on their “best” behavior with the massive ProPublica scoop about racist and dehumanizing border agent attitudes in a private Facebook group and I can’t help but feel like the only thing commensurate with and proportional to the degree of cruelty and the extent of inhumanity is for all 280 congressional Democrats to travel en masse to one of these camps. Small delegations are important, and good, and need to keep happening, but I feel like if this isn’t a thing for a party to “go big” on, then nothing is. Not because it’s partisan, but because true politics is driven by morality, and the immorality—or is it amorality?–of what’s happening is simply too immense for, well, politics as usual.

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