And so as June comes to a close and the year is halfway done, I seem already to have completed my Goodreads challenge of reading 35 books for the year. This was the same goal I’d set for 2018 and 2017, when I read 37 and 36 books, respectively, by the end of December. While I’ve read an increased number of short stories or novellas this year, I don’t see how that could account for all of it. Not really sure what happened.

The last fiction book finished before reaching the goal was The Haunting of Tram Car 015 (followup to A Dead Djinn in Cairo) by P. Djèlí Clark, and the last nonfiction book was Origins: How Earth’s History Shaped Human History by Lewis Dartnell, which really dragged after it lost focus in the second half, and I admit I began skimming paragraphs near the end.