We are all complicit now.

There’s lots of posturing today on Twitter about how Congress funding safe and sanitary conditions at the camps, or Wayfair providing beds even if they donate the profits elsewhere, is complicity. This posturing is right, of course, but conveniently leaves out something important.

Not funding safe and sanitary conditions or not providing the beds itself is complicity, in the suffering of children.

There is no moral high ground on this matter anymore.

The time for moral high ground was June of last year when we went through all this before and then failed to put an end to the administration’s sadistic immigration policies. All we have left now, all of us, is either being complicit with the camps by funding safe and sanitary conditions in them, or being complicit with not providing children with toothbrushes, soap, or beds.

With the Senate in the control of Republicans, the policies aren’t going to end anytime soon. The camps are not going to be shut down until and unless an inescapable public pressure exists to do so. These kids are not going to be reunited with their parents or sent to the loving care of other responsible adults.

In the meantime, these children need safe and sanitary conditions, there, in the camps we want shut down.

We are all complicit now. We just have to choose which complicity we can live with, until the policy is ended.