Five months after a data breach at the Oregon Department of Human Services, they finally notified me by mail that my information was accessed. In the process, while they managed to mail my current address, they addressed the notification to my birth name, which was legally changed an entire year before the data breach. What’s more, they got the middle initial wrong.

The department is providing a year of “identity protection” services to any victim who wants it, but I bet if I tried signing up the company they contracted with would reject me because my name is “wrong”.

Mostly I find myself wondering if the responsible parties now have access to the psychodiagnostic evaluation report from last November conducted by a Disability Determination Services hired gun which the department has never provided either to me or to my primary care physician as I’d requested of them twice. Today, I sent in my third request, but if the hackers have it might be more efficient if they just send it to me instead.