The upside of being down at the heels, at least in Wonderland’s case, is that rents have tumbled enough that small businesses now make up most of the mall’s shops. Perhaps because the mall also doubles as a convention space, one that hosts geeky gatherings like Monster Con and Morphinominal Expo, many of these shops cater to various fandoms, making Wonderland of the Americas an unexpected hub of San Antonio’s geek culture, a pedestrian-friendly space dense with desirable destinations unlike so much else of the city. There’s the store that sells Funkos, and only Funkos. There’s the shop that sells wrestling memorabilia, and the one where you can buy a dress patterned with art from EC Comics. And there’s Gotham Newsstand, a comic shop managed by a Trinity University alumnus.
—Optimistic Autosuggestion, in “Wanderland”
Published to by Bix Frankonis. Comments and replies by email are welcome.