This post is older than 10 years and might not reflect my current views.

The Canvasser

So a canvasser for Defending Oregon was methodically dialing apartments on the call box at the door to my apartment building at the tail end of a long day.

One on such call, a man’s voice answered, and she explained that she was calling from Defend Oregon about Measures 41 and 48, although for some reason, she was reminding people to turn in their ballots, but wasn’t saying how Defend Oregon wanted people to vote.

“Where are you calling from?” he asked, clearly confused. She restated her name and that she was calling from Defend Oregon.

“But where are you calling from?”

She paused, then figured she understood the question. “I’m right downstairs.”

“You’re at Wellesley?” he asked. “I moved. I’m in Seattle.”

Nonetheless, he thanked her anyway.