The Purpose Of My System

It took five days and some change of not posting to Bluesky without anyone even noticing I was gone—despite the fact that the last thing I’d posted back on March 8 was, “My life is a waste and should have been given to somebody else.”—(the exception being my mother, because moms) before I had to relent in order to subject Chuck Schumer to some abuse.

The Empty Political Theater Of Chuck Schumer

Never one to let an opportunity to be completely feckless pass by, Senator Schumer went before cameras today and pretended that Democrats were united in opposing the Republican continuing resolution to keep the government running—but it was a lie he’s hoping Democratic voters will be too angry at Republicans to spot.

Through The Dense Malaise

If there’s one thing I can say about the last several weeks as I’ve been dealing first with a gout flare, the worst since the first years ago that woke me up in the middle of the night feeling like somehow I had broken my foot in my sleep, and then the ensuing aftermath where I might be dealing with a gout-prompted bunion that makes me want to just cut off the entire foot, it’s that I no longer think I have the bandwidth to deal with the combination of the continuing fascist administrative blitzkrieg and the feckless, outright absent, or just plain backward Democratic Party response.

A ‘Park And Bash’ Dream

Our primary heroes are Park, an activist and thief, and Bash, a hacker and former video game designer. They’ve somehow ended up with a spaceship that’s far too large for a crew of five, and are still trying to get the hang of it.

An orange cinderblock wall on which someone has scrawled Don’t Jump followed by We love you, and the sidewalk below on which someone has scrawled Don’t Jump followed by We love you, but upside down as if to be read from the roof.

Naming Fatigue And Finding Relief

In the wake of my open letter to my new primary physician in part to explain the ways in which I need to process things and in part to express my concerns and fears regarding the instructions to try to push more exercise in the midst of the still-undiagnosed fatigue question, I note Jesse Meadows’ recent newsletter about fatigue.


I’ve been doing some loose catching up here and there as I try to reincorporate other people’s blogs into my daily reading regimen (I’d stepped away from that a few months ago, I assume during the several month break I took from blogging itself), and I wanted to say a couple of things about Manu’s thoughts on identity from about a month back.

‘There Are Majorities’

Where the growth of the firm could be said to be in some sense in the interest of many workers in the "Golden Age" of the Global North, today the growth—or more so the profitability—of the firm is an integral part of the same circuit which also internalizes the further immiseration, exhaustion, alienation, or disenfranchisement of those same workers and communities.

A Name By Any Other Name

Rachel wrote about her name, and I don’t have too much to say on this subject since I’ve already done so, but there’s one part I wanted to single out, when she mentions that your sign name isn’t something you get to choose yourself but is given after you are “at least somewhat acquainted with the person who’s giving the name”.

A Mid-February Dream

I’m having a heated argument with someone over politics and authoritarianism, and he reaches down to break the power cord off a nearby heating pad and starts beating and whipping me with it. Suddenly it’s later and I’m before the media explaining what happened and it ruins his career.

There’s Only One Rafael Devers

Jacob Roy at Over the Monster had some pointed advice for the management and ownership of the Boston Red Sox. This was back in January but for some reason the post showed up today in the site’s RSS feed. Not sure what’s up with that.